Posted by: SightTrust Eye Institute in Eye Health, FAQ

Technology is a wonderful thing, and it’s changed the landscape of our everyday lives, our culture, and especially our jobs. While many of these technological advancements have greatly benefited us and made certain tasks less cumbersome, there are some downfalls to this progression. We live in a digital age where much of our day-to-day interactions are had over a screen. School can now be completed online, most everyone has a mini computer in their pocket, and virtual jobs are on the rise. 

With this increase in screen time comes a somewhat new condition – digital eye strain. According to the American Optometric Association, about 62% of U.S. workers spend five or more hours on digital devices in the office or working from home every day, and other research sponsored by The Vision Council shows that 59% of people who routinely use computers and digital devices experience symptoms of digital eye strain. You may be struggling with digital eye strain if you often deal with any of these symptoms: 

  • Fatigue or achy eyes
  • dry eyes
  • tearing or watery eyes
  • blurred vision
  • irritation
  • burning sensation
  • headaches  

For many of us, looking at screens is a part of our everyday lives, and limiting screen time is not always feasible. Luckily, SightTrust Eye Institute has compiled a list of some ways to help protect your eyes from prolonged screen time: 

  • Use artificial tears regularly.
    Over-the-counter lubricants create a stronger tear layer that can resist evaporation as quickly as natural tears, improving visual quality and comfort. Preservative-free drops are more comfortable and can be used as often as desired without harming your eyes.
  • Blink more often to reduce dry eyes, or seek treatment. 
    Blinking is our way of lubricating our eyes and getting the moisture they need on their surface. Normally, we blink about 15 times per minute, but when looking at screens, that frequency can go down to only 5-7 times. Try making a conscious effort to increase your blinking while looking at screens to keep the surface of your eyes from drying out. 

If you find your eyes are still irritating you, SightTrust Eye Institute has two incredible treatment options to help you combat dry eye: 

  • FORMA-I – FORMA-I is an innovative non-surgical procedure that delivers bipolar radiofrequency (RF) technology to the delicate subdermal layers of your eyelids. This procedure improves blood circulation of the eyelid area, while feeling like a warm, gentle massage. This procedure opens clogged glands and reduces inflammation in the eyelids to help combat dry eye. FORMA-I is offered as part of SightTrust Eye Institute’s Vision Improvement Program™ (VIP) helping to boost dry eye control. 
  • LUMECCA-I – Lumecca is the most powerful intense pulsed light (IPL) designed to treat pigmented and vascular lesions. Lumecca-I uses photothermolysis, which provides a photofacial through the delivery of a comfortable light treatment. Lumecca-I targets the excess blood vessels that disrupt oil glands and cause dry eyes, helping to reduce inflammation of the eyelids. LUMECCA-I is also offered as part of SightTrust Eye Institute’s Vision Improvement Program™ (VIP), helping to treat eyelid inflammation and other causes of meibomian dysfunction at the source.
  • Employ the 20-20-20 Rule. 

Giving your eyes a little break every now and then can help lessen the effects of digital eye strain. Following the 20-20-20 rule, every 20 minutes, shift your eyes to focus on something at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. A sticky note with a reminder to practice this rule may be helpful at first. 

  • Adjust your computer’s settings and reduce glare. 
    Adjusting the settings on your computer may help reduce eye strain. You can adjust the brightness settings to match the lighting around you, you can change the text size and contrast, and even the color temperature to reduce the amount of blue light you’re exposing your eyes to. Glass-screened monitors can also cause a glare, so you might want to consider a matte screen filter for your device. 
  • Adjust your position at the computer. 
    Sitting at a comfortable distance from the computer monitor, between 20 to 28 inches, where you can easily read all text with your head and torso in an upright posture can help create a comfortable environment. You should also position the screen so your eye gazes slightly downward as this prompts us to blink more and stare a little less. 
  • Get regular eye exams. 
    As always, one of the best things you can do to maintain your eye health is to schedule regular eye exams. Sometimes there may be other underlying problem contributing to your eye strain. 

Although screens will remain a part of our day-to-day for the rest of our lives, we hope these tips will be helpful in protecting your eyes from excessive digital eye strain. Our team at SightTrust Eye Institute wants you to live your best life in this digital age, and we have the technology and resources to help! Call our office today at (877) 878-7890 or email at:
